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Vendors Teamtailor

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Vendors Teamtailor

Life at Huckletree

  • We're not afraid to challenge the norm and we're not afraid to make mistakes. Trial and error comes into play a lot and we definitely take those challenges head on and learn from them. There's no shame in that.

    Peter Allen

    Business Operations Manager

Hey Peter! What is your role at Huckletree?
Business Operations Manager. The biggest part of my role is coordination and launching new sites. I work closely with design, contractors and architects to ensure that they’re fulfilling the Huckletree brief, mostly from an operations perspective, so what they’re proposing works for us as a business and for our members. I make sure we’re hitting our green accreditations as well as managing our Design & Build contractors to make sure everything they’re doing is in the Huckletree way. Once completed, it is then up to me to put a plan together to get members into the building and ensure that everything is running as it should.
Outside of expansion and launches I get involved in other projects. I’m running B Corp so I’ve pulled together a project plan and check in that all teams are doing what they need to for us to reach the accreditation. I get involved in general project management from a community ops perspective. I love seeing how we can work smarter and cleaner. I support with process improvement, SOPs and all that good ops stuff! I report into the Director of Operations but I’m exposed to and work closely with all departments.

How long have you worked with us?
I joined about a year ago - it will be my one year anniversary next month!

Why did you decide to join Huckletree?
I came into the co-working world about 5 years ago and I fell in love with the concept. I’m really interested in how humans engage in space - how they use it, interact with it, and how that space encourages and fosters collaborative environments. I get a kick out of seeing how people interact with each other. I think you can tell a lot from a company by their office.
I took a year out and then worked in the delivery operations sphere but it wasn’t the right environment. I realised it was co-working that I wanted to be back in so I actively started looking for jobs in that sphere. I knew about Huckletree and loved the focus around building and fostering collaborative environments to enable people to succeed and support each other. When I came across the job role it seemed like a perfect fit. It’s so varied and I like to engage with multiple people and functions - it keeps me on my toes!
The team at Huckletree is a big draw. Everyone is so engaging, fun to work with and supportive. We’re not afraid to challenge the norm and we’re not afraid to make mistakes. Trial and error comes into play a lot and we definitely take those challenges head on and learn from them. If there's a success, brilliant lets implement and do more. If it goes wrong then we consider how we can do better next time. There's no shame in that. You get input from everyone and we all see how we can improve. There is a culture of support and understanding, innovation and fun!

Any funny or memorable stories you can share with us from your time working at Huckletree?
My highlight has to be the summer party last year. It was the first social I attended and it was so fun to get to spend time with everyone, especially the Manchester and Dublin team. Rounders was a lot of fun - definitely a highlight.

  • We're very open and we all have shared experiences but we're also individuals so we have unique experiences which is what really makes a team. I think it's important everyone feels comfortable and safe. Huckletree is a space for that.

What does a typical day look like to you?
No such thing! Today I started off with a building walk around in Oxford Circus, checking everything is set up for success. I then jumped on the front desk and interacted with our members. Later this morning I have a meeting with our Head of Ecosystem to brief her ahead of a meeting we have for B Corp. This afternoon I have some meetings around tech, looking at how we use tech and what tech we’re using. Then I have a few design meetings for some new projects.

What stands out to you about the culture at Huckletree?
Get stuff done. We all know what we’re doing. Gaby (CEO & Co-Founder) has a clear vision and it’s communicated really well. Everyone knows what they need to do to achieve that and if it's something that we haven’t done before then we find a way, figure it out and bring it to life.
It’s a hustle culture. We mobilise well as a team and take action quickly. We’re not afraid to try something new and innovative. Innovation is at the heart of our culture - it’s why members come to us.
You’re not boxed into you role - yes your tasks are relevant to your role and department but you can get involved in anything you want. Everyone is open to suggestions. I have no problem brining my suggestions to Gaby and Ben (Director of Ops). It’s an open door culture and leadership is very open to new ideas.

Any secret hidden talents?
I can make people laugh and lift the mood! If I could have any job in the world and money wasn’t an option I’d be a stand up comedian. Huckletree comedy night pending?

What advice would you give to prospective team members?
Research the business. We do things differently here. Understand our values and what we are wanting to achieve. There are lots of co-working businesses out there but the brand and innovation, and the ecosystems that we try to build, that is what is really unique to Huckletree and core to who we are. No matter what function you’re in, it always comes back to member experience. If you join the team, don’t be afraid to jump in and put your ideas forward. Call on your previous experiences. We’re very open and we all have shared experiences but we’re also individuals so we have unique experiences which is what really makes a team. I think it’s important everyone feels comfortable and safe. Huckletree is a space for that. You can express your views and opinions and ask for suggestions.

When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. I used to dress up in my nannas high heels and tie her chiffon scarf round my neck!
  • I loved to see the female leadership with the CEO & Co-Founder, CFO and CMO all being women.

    Lauriane Daudu

    Acquisition Marketing Asssociate

Hey Lauriane! What is your role at Huckletree?
Acquisition Marketing Associate. I look after CRM marketing, optimising the funnel between sales and marketing when a lead drops in to when a deal closes and all lead nurturing when someone enquires on the website. I also look after all email marketing and I have full overview of all digital channels: SEO, website, optimising organic searches to direct channels and paid search channels. I support with website updates and retention marketing. Right now I’m focused on growth so I’m doing a lot of email campaign strategy and timelines which includes writing copy, gathering assets, designing and building emails, and then reporting.

How long have you worked with us?
It's almost my 2 year anniversary! My first day was 1st April 2021 and I thought, is this an April fools joke?!

Why did you decide to join Huckletree?
I previously worked for a SaaS software b2b company based in New Zealand. I was working for them when I was living in Melbourne and then when my visa finished I moved back home and stayed with them remotely, till covid hit. When I was looking for a new job I didn’t know what was going to happen with the pandemic but I knew that I wanted to be specific in where I was going to work next. I did a lot of research as it was important for me to work for a diverse company. I came across Huckletree and I loved to see the female leadership with Gaby as the CEO and Co-Founder as well as a female CFO and CMO. I looked more into what they were all about as well as the mission of Huckletree and it felt like exactly what I was looking for.

Any funny or memorable stories you can share from your time at Huckletree?
That’s the key word - that I can share!
I feel like there’s things every day. One highlight has to be our summer party in my first year, 'the rager on the river', it was so good! I can also say one thing that I wasn’t expecting was that my Manager and my Director would be the two people that would influence me to watch all of Below Deck. I didn’t expect these would be the two people that would be such fans and push me to watch it! Each Monday morning meeting started with a 10 minute debrief of the latest episode of Below Deck Med. I love Captain Sandy. Huckletree Hayu subscription next up?

What stands out to you about the culture at Huckletree?
Inclusive. Diverse. You can talk to anyone no matter their job title or role. I feel like there's no barriers, everyone gets involved. You can chat with the CFO the same as someone in your team. The vibes are great! Also we implement a lot of things ourselves, if we’re all in the office together and say ‘let’s go for a drink after work’ it's an open invite - we could end up being 15 at the pub. We’re all different but there is something - I don’t know exactly what it is - but something makes it click.
I remember my first day at Huckletree, I was working remotely because of the lockdown and when I first logged in all the welcome messages popped up. I wasn’t expecting that. I was paired with a buddy and just felt instantly at ease. You feel like you’re already part of it - even when I was sitting at my dining room table in the kitchen. Everyone is happy to go to work and you know you that if you have a bad day there are always people you can lean on.

  • You can talk to anyone no matter their job title or role. I feel like there's no barriers, everyone gets involved.

What does a typical day look like for you?
Typical wouldn’t be in my dictionary! Every day will be different. But let’s say today - I’m part of the Women’s Change Maker group and we’re running a mentorship circle. Today I have a meeting with the mentees to give them tips and advice so I prepped for that session when I arrived. Then I looked into our paid search account to see if theres anything I needed to change for our ads. Then I always look at the marketing dashboard to check any leads that might have dropped in over night. Part of my CRM responsibilities are that I look up where we are in the funnel and check in with sales to see how things are moving. Right now I’m putting a plan in place for our re-engagement campaign and then I’m heading out for lunch (having a Farmer J close by is very dangerous!). I have a few meetings this afternoon and I’ll continue making some final edits for an email campaign for sign off to then send out.

Any secret hidden talents?
Well… I’m really good at movie trivia. Ask me anything about the Real Housewives and I can answer it. Also, I very rarely loose my stuff - I always know where I put something. Case and point: I spent two years travelling and living out of a backpack and apart from the socks that get taken away by the washing machine, I didn’t lose anything - not even a hairbrush!

What advice would you give to prospective team members?
Applying for jobs can be stressful when you don’t know what could be put in front of you but Huckletree appreciates a relaxed style where you don’t have to come for an interview in a suit and tie. Think of the interview as a conversation. Even in our formal meetings we have a good flow of conversation, you’re not put on the spot or called upon. Be yourself and let your personality shine!

When you were little what did you want to be when you grew up
When I was little little - I don’t know if it was my generation in France - but everyone wanted to be a teacher. I thought I would be an English teacher. Then when I was a teenager I wanted to be a business woman. I don’t like the term ‘Girl Boss’ but instead ‘International Business Woman’. I wanted to wear power suits, lots of pink, and rock up to the office put my bag on the table and say ‘hey, what’s happening today?!

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